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Divine Word Catholic Church

Music Ministry


8100 Eagle Road

Kirtland, Ohio USA

(440) 256-1412



Looking for sheet music?

Voices in the Hall!

Jim and I are thrilled about joining the Voices in the Hall concert at Carnegie Hall on Sunday, February 16. Janét and I were on tour together in 2000/2001.

The Compassion of Christ: A Journey of Justice, Hope, and Peace features the works of performing artists Jesse Manibusan, Janet Sullivan Whitaker, and Curtis Stephan. They are accompanied by the Voices in The Hall Choir.

A Christmas Prayer

This prayer was written by our very own Odie Ockuly

Oh, dear heavenly father,

May all of our family members and friends who need miracles be blessed.

May whomever is feeling unwell and weak be given strength.

May all who have heavy burdens have their load lightened.

May our Christmas season be one filled with happiness and joy!

Singing at The Mimi Ohio Theater

We had a fabulous time at Great Lakes Theater this year on Sunday, November 24th at 2:30 pm.

We were joined by Old South Choir (our Eagle Road neighbor) directed by my dear friend Terry Herschman.



Divine Word Music Licenses

We have a healthy respect for composers and their professions: One License, 400076-M; CCLI Copyright 2850812, CCLI Streaming 20317080

A Prayer for Music Ministers

by Divine Word Music Minister Olivia Ockuly

O dear Heavenly Father,
We ask that you bless our Music Ministry.

We thank you for the talents
You have given us through
Singing and playing instruments.

Help us to give solace to the grieving,
Help us to bring joy and praise to all who gather in your name,

Let us learn songs to help your people,
Feel your presence
Give us strength and wisdom
As we work hard and practice to express your Word.

We ask this with peace and love
Through Christ our Lord,


Bishop Michael stops for a visit

Divine Word 2022 Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert Program (click here)

Here's the link:

Grab a mug of hot chocolate and some marshmallows and curl up to watch.

The Ordination of Bishop Michael G. Woost August 4, 2022

2021 Virtual Christmas Concert

Find the first half of our Christmas Concert here:

The second half of our Christmas Concert is here:

The Divine Word Choir went on tour!

We were thrilled to be included in Great Lake Theater's social media!

Click on the link below, scroll to Day 10, Virtual Choir Series 2020:

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John Rutter's Star Carol

Music Director Rebecca Harper is honored to be included in performing Star Carol, composed and directed by John Rutter, along with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the Stay At Home Choir - joined by thousands of people from around the world. The United Kingdom premiere was presented online. Here's the link:

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We appreciate the time and talent of composers and take copyrights very seriously. Divine Word maintains music licensing to perform, stream and copy all the music we use.

Rock Your Soul!

Music Ministry serves a wonderful role in today's church: to enhance the celebration of the liturgy, and to assist the spiritual needs of the community. Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in song, with the ministers of each degree fulfilling their ministry and the people participating in it.[1]

One cannot find anything more religious and more joyful in sacred celebrations than a whole congregation expressing its faith and devotion in song. Therefore the active participation of the whole people, which is shown in singing, is to be carefully promoted. The faithful should . . . unite themselves interiorly to what the ministers or choir sing, so that by listening to them they may raise their minds to God. [2]

Not everyone is called to music ministry. It is a vastly different mass experience, but very rewarding. Our dedicated people are a special family unto themselves.

If you are musically gifted, we'd love for you to join us! Singers, instrumentalists, all are welcome.


1. Cf. Constitution on the Liturgy, Art. 113.

2. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council MUSICAM SACRAM 

Sing and be counted!